Blossoms Counselling

Anxiety and Depression Therapist, Brantford ON

Live a Fearless Life

What is holding you back from thriving?

Personalized Women's Anxiety and Depression Counselling will:

Live More Fear Less:
Treatment for Anxiety

Worry and Fear are something that everyone experiences. However, when worry hijacks the brain and starts interfering with daily living is when therapy can truly help. 


Sometimes anxiety develops out of disturbing childhood experiences, because of a sudden trauma, or after the birth of a baby.  Worry is also sometimes something that has always been there with you. 

In some seasons of life the worry gets bigger and loader and more out of control.



Therapy will give you so many important strategies to overcome, it will help you tap into your inner resilience, help you rewrite your mental narrative, gain renewed perspective and help face your fears with support and guidance.


You can live a fearless life. 



Therapy for:

Generalized Anxiety, OCD, Specific Phobias, Postpartum or prenatal anxiety, Stress, Panic disorder, Social anxiety.

Any fear, anxiety or worry that is interfering with your ability to live a fulfilling joy-filled life.

Time to worry less and live more.

Blossoms Counselling

Empowered Living:
Treatment for Depression

Do you feel like you have to keep going and doing and cannot talk to anyone about how you are really feeling?

Do you have a hard time getting out of bed most mornings and facing your day?

Do you feel trapped or stuck?

Do you have patterns of thinking that are self-critical and defeating?

Did you experience trauma in your life and then just keep shoving it back so that it doesn’t effect you, but it does?


You are not broken, you are not weak, you are not alone.


Therapy can help.


Therapy will help you find joy and confidence by giving you strategies for positive coping, help you process trauma, rewrite your narrative, talk to your inner child, challenge negative thinking and self-talk and more.


I will be your support and encouragement as you overcome and move towards greater joy and empowered living.




“Wherever life plants you bloom with grace.”


Are you ready for a change?

Gain insight and freedom, confidence and joy.
I want to empower you towards a place of thriving.